Open Records Request Form
LaGrange Fire Protection District
LaGrange Fire & Rescue Department
309 North First Avenue
LaGrange, KY  40031
Policies & Procedures Concerning Open Records Pursuant to KRS 61.876 and Open Records Request Forms for LaGrange Fire & Rescue Department.
It is the intent of the LaGrange Fire & Rescue Department to conform with the requirements contained in KRS 61.870 to 61.884, to provide full access to public records, to protect public records from damage and disorganization, to prevent excessive disruption of its essential functions, to assist and provide information upon request, and to ensure efficient and timely action in response to application for inspection.
To do so, please be advised as follows:

(1) The LaGrange Fire & Rescue Department designates the following Records Custodian:

Office Manager Susan Ripperdan
309 North First Avenue
La Grange, KY 40031
(502) 222-1143 or (502) 515-4574 

Administrative Office Hours: Monday - Friday / 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

(2) All requests for copies or review of public records in the custody of the Agency must be made in writing. A request may be sent electronically to Susan Ripperdan at Requests may also be mailed or hand delivered to the LaGrange Fire & Rescue Department at the address above.

(3) The Records Custodian, or their designee, shall provide a response to the records request that is postmarked or electronically transmitted within five business days of the date the request is received. Notice promptly shall be sent to the requesting party if additional time is needed under KRS Chapter 61. When a response is delayed, the notice shall specifically indicate that additional time is required to process the request and explain the circumstances justifying additional processing time.

(4) Pursuant to KRS 61.874, the LaGrange Fire & Rescue Department charges ten cents per page for open record copies. If the copy is one that requires additional sized copies or requires any special action, the party will be charged the fee associated with duplicating the copy. Copies of non-written records (photographs, maps, material stored in computer files or libraries, etc.) shall be furnished on request, on payment of a charge equal to the actual cost of producing copies of such records by the most economic process not likely to damage or alter therecord.

(5) If the requester wishes to personally inspect responsive records, the Records Custodian shall facilitate with the requester the scheduling of a convenient time for inspection between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at the LaGrange Fire & Rescue  Department. The Records Custodian , or an employee of the LaGrange Fire & Rescue Department, shall be present and personally monitor the inspection.